Delta - Pilot Communication Net
PCN Petition Volunteer Page:
PCN Mission Statement - The original Delta Retired Pilot Communication Network began in 1996 by founder David L. Roberts. The new PCN is this original Network merged with the RSP managed by Mark Sztanyo, and now has grown to thousands of subscribers. PCN exists to carry on the tradition of serving our pilot community and their families by keeping them informed and connected through this completely volunteer communication and networking effort.
Pilot Communication Net - rights reserved.
PCN Disclaimer: We publish information shared by our network and we do not confirm the accuracy
of shared data, so use caution and verify.
Webmaster, Editor of "High Life" and Coordinator of PCN - Mark Sztanyo, Ret. B767 Capt. 2005
Welcome to the PCN website. The PCN exists to serve, inform, and connect our DAL pilot community, both active and retired.
PCN Mission Statement - The original Delta Retired Pilot Communication Network began in 1996 by founder David L. Roberts. The new PCN is this original Network merged with the RSP managed by Mark Sztanyo, and now has grown to thousands of subscribers. PCN exists to carry on the tradition of serving our pilot and Delta community and their families by keeping them informed and connected through this completely volunteer communication and networking effort.
PCN Mission Statement - The original Delta Retired Pilot Communication Network began in 1996 by founder David L. Roberts. The new PCN is this original Network merged with the RSP managed by Mark Sztanyo, and now has grown to large web community. PCN exists to carry on the tradition of serving our pilot and Delta community and their families by keeping them informed and connected through this completely volunteer communication and networking effort.
PCN Sponsored Effort for Benefit Restoration led by Rob Moser
I'm Rob Moser, the guy who wrote the petition letter appealing to Delta to right the wrong that was done to our Delta retired pilots and now I need your help. I not only hope you are in agreement that the company should fix this but you are willing to do something to move toward that end. The letter with, the supporting signatures, is the first step in an effort to be heard and addressed by Delta senior management. Additional steps will be implemented until we get the attention that we deserve. For this effort I need volunteers. I need people to help with our goal to get a meeting with senior management which produces restored benefits to our group. The effort by our DP3 is currently primarily geared toward the PBGC and restoring our quialified benefits. Our effort is not in conflict and appeals directly to the company, targeting the lost non-qualified benefits. If you can join me, we will be dedicated and diligent with clear focus and direction to get our voice heard. Sign up today to become a wingman on my team. Ret. Capt. Rob Moser

Sign Up to become Rob's Wingman:
First Name
Middle Initial Last Name

Nickname,Call sign (Desired Salutation)
Email (set filters to accept email From "")
ID Status
Voluntary information shared with no one:
Airline Code:

Where last based
(3 letter eg. WAL-DAL) Acitve/Retired
Domicile (3 letter code)
Date of retirement (03/01/98 eg.)
Phone (777-888-9999 eg. No spaces please)



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Promotion, Public Appearances, Picketing, Sen Mgt Meeting, etc.
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